Since its establishment in 2007, Britmark’s hallmark of crewing services has always been a consistent service provider of competent, hard working and reliable Filipino Seafarer for all types of vessels worldwide. Over the years, Britmark has offered specialized crews for different types of Bulk Carriers (i.e., Gearless, Self Unloading System), Oil and Chemical Tankers, Containers, Livestock Carriers, Passenger Ships, AHTS/Tug Boats, Supply Boats, LCT's, FSO, FOTB, Barges, among others.
Equipped with an application system, the Crew Management System, and maintaining an extensive data base of officers, Engineers and Ratings, Britmark executes its crew planning, monitoring and contract management requirements with the aid of said system.
Functionality of the system serves to establish contract status, expiring licenses, expiring certificates, upcoming sign offs, up coming sign-ons, crew statistics. Its report generating feature facilitates track and trace requirements for both crews and principals such as but not limited to sea service certificates, crew list by vessel, crew list by rank, status of licenses, crew and ex-crew training records, summary list, medical histories and a host of other crew and principal-related meta data.
Premised on the principle that the competence,
trainability, ethical and value-orientation of crews
and officers are tough selection criteria, Britmark has
established its Crew Targetted Selection System (CTSS)
that requires an applicant crew or officer to submit
himself or herself through the rigors of a carefully
planned assessment, interviews and verification
Britmark Shipping Copyright 2015